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Enhancing Your Property’s Curb Appeal With Landscaping

First impressions play a huge role in how customers and tenants view your property. If your business looks good on the outside, it will attract more customers whether that's in occupancy or them coming to visit your space. As a property owner, a well-kept property will increase tenant happiness and increase your property value.

Here are some helpful pointers for improving your curb appeal and some ideas on how to get started.

1. Assess your current landscaping & prioritize.

Take a look around. A clean and weed-free turf is a must, as is a healthy garden. If you have issues with those, further enhancements can wait. If your landscape is clean and beautiful, and you have room in your budget to enhance and improve your landscape, read on!

Consider your budget for any improvements and prioritize. Your budget can dictate where you start, which areas you might have to set aside for now, or how many improvements you make overall. In any case, it’s best to start with the most visible areas.

2. Pretend you’re a customer or tenant.

It can be helpful to pretend you’re a customer or tenant as you drive by your property, then through your driveway or parking lot. Get out and walk down all of your walkways and sidewalks. See what stands out to you the most — that’s where you should start.

3. Keep an eye on sight lines.

Next, look for any kind of signage, whether it’s a company logo, directional signs, or even unit numbers for residential properties. Make sure nothing is overgrown or blocking sight lines to these important signs. And make sure that everything is visible with proper lighting in the evening.

4. Add seasonal color — or some new perennials.

Is your landscape looking a little drab? Adding beautiful colors in the form of annual flowers is a great way to stand out. The best places for these are typically around the main entrance and signs.

Summer annuals can be planted in early May, then you can change things up with some fall annuals in late August. Of course, colorful perennials can work nicely too. Keep in mind that perennials require more planning and maintenance over time, whereas annuals are generally inexpensive and easy to care for.

5. Consider the human factor when adding hardscapes.

Whether people live, work or shop at your property, it’s important to consider how they can interact with the landscape.

Add an attractive space for employees to eat lunch outside on a nice day — like a patio or outdoor structure like a pergola. Or, add an interlocking brick pathway with benches, giving residents and their guests space to go for a walk and stop to smell the roses. On a residential property, you might even clear space for the residents to have a community garden.

Aren’t these enhancements luxuries?

If you’re a commercial property manager or building owner, increasing curb appeal might seem like an unnecessary extra that your budget can’t bear.

This is a sentiment we encounter fairly often. We always say that money spent up front ends up paying dividends on your bottom line. Office buildings with nice outdoor spaces attract employees and put clients at ease. Retailers with great landscaping encourage new tenants to rent and lure new customers to shop.

Try out some of the ideas in this post and see what you come up with. If you have some ideas but aren’t sure where to start, we can help. Our account managers and designers can give you immediate feedback on your property with a single property visit. All you need to do is set one up.

If you’re ready to improve your commercial property’s curb appeal, get in touch!


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